
Developing raw materials into a major strength for Europe

Europe is home to world leaders in game-changing innovative technologies and an entrepreneurial infrastructure. A sustainable supply of raw materials is vital for the transition to a climate-neutral, green and digital economy envisioned in the EU Green Deal. Currently, Europe is highly dependent on imports of raw materials that are crucial for its strategic industrial autonomy. EIT RawMaterials boosts innovation across the entire raw materials value chain for a globally competitive and resilient future of Europe.


Minerals, metals and advanced materials are key enablers to achieve the objectives of the European Green Deal

The challenge for the EIT RawMaterials Innovation Community is to fully utilise the potential of the European industry and to revitalise the human capital in the raw materials sector. This will be achieved by three strategic objectives:

Closing Materials Loops

a radical shift from linear to circular thinking

Designing Materials Solutions

for materials innovation, products and processes/p>

Securing Raw Materials Supply

collaborating across the whole industrial value chain

Driving innovation across the entire raw materials value chain

 EIT RawMaterials Innovation Themes


The transition to a circular economy is essential in the efforts to reduce dependency on raw materials supply and create sustainable growth. EIT RawMaterials unlocks the potential of industrial symbiosis by applying a systemic perspective and revitalising human capital in the raw materials sector through designing solutions and closing material loops.

The shift towards renewable energies, e-mobility, and Industry 4.0 are examples of extensive innovation processes that trigger the need for new kinds of advanced materials. Within this context, EIT RawMaterials funds new projects and businesses working on the substitution of critical, toxic and low performing materials reducing environmental impact and supply dependencies.

Recycling will have to evolve from a side stream to a major pillar of raw materials supply if we want to protect our planet and make business sustainable. End-of-life products must be considered as a resource for another cycle. In addition, the interactions between materials must be considered to define the best circular solution from a systemic standpoint.

A complete raw materials value chain for minerals and metals makes Europe attractive for a renewed exploration, mining and processing sector. Industry know-how and new technology for mineral exploration will help unlock the existing potential and building on existing strengths in industry, research and infrastructure. Innovative technologies are required to further enhance mining and processing capabilities while reducing their environmental footprint.

EIT RawMaterials activities support new solutions and promote the benefits of a strong minerals and materials sector in modern society and the transition towards the green and circular economy.


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